Many of my best marketing ideas have simply come from paying close attention to the things that change my own behavior.
After a few clicks or close attention to some copy, I’ll catch myself and try to retrace my steps to deconstruct the pieces that made me do what I did.
Countdown offers before Christmas often fall into that category.
Crown Isle Christmas
So when I saw Crown Isle’s version of the Twelve Days of Christmas, I was not only influenced once again, but tried to pay extra close attention to what they did.
Here’s how their days shook out:
Even though the offers aren’t anything different than you may normally see, because they were piggybacked on a tradition that is accepted and noticed during this season, it works.
It could be nothing more than a recap of the best offers from the year before.
Simply by putting them in a more relevant context, you have created a reason to push out a dozen marketing message in consecutive days without looking like a marketing grinch.
Good stuff, Crown Isle.
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