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A new perspective from Bandon Dunes makes for incredible content

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Soon after my wife and I moved to Colorado we started a tradition called Monday Night Hikes.

You’ll never guess what that tradition entailed, but after a short hiking hiatus after the birth of our daughter…


…we picked up it up again and I was reminded why I loved it so much in the first place.

The views.

A Slight Change
It’s incredible to me how a small change in perspective from the norm can completely alter how something appears.

Drones have done this for photography. Democratizing, as it were, access to these unique angles and perspectives on the world that have turned captive audiences into a multi-million-dollar industry.

So when about a month ago Bandon Dunes started something called Aerial of the Week…

…it immediately caught my eye. Hopeful it would continue and wanting to give it time to develop, I waited. Sure enough, it didn’t take long to see more in this series.

We used to only get this perspective of courses during major tournaments as Johnny Miller pointed out the hidden bunker on the left, but having access to similar views as a marketer is completely awesome.

The Principle
I often try to find the principles behind marketing that works on ME in the hope I can apply the pattern to broader uses and personalities. This is what I see:

“If you want to give your imagery a fresh face, give it a new perspective I’m not used to seeing.”

It’s simple and, thanks to technology like drones and GoPros, more doable than ever.

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